How Mindfulness Can Relieve Stress

Learning to be mindful is learning how to be present in the moment. Research shows that when we are present in the moment, we are not worried about the past or the future, and this relieves stress. Being mindful means to take notice of everything in the moment, including thoughts and senses, without judgement.

Therefore, mindfulness helps us relieve stress by preventing our minds from running away with stressful thoughts, and without judging our thoughts or ourselves, causing more stress.

One of the key practices of mindfulness is meditation (of which there are many types), and research shows how beneficial meditation is when practiced daily. Research shows that meditation can change how our brains process information, as well as managing the effects of depression, anxiety, and stress. Practicing mindfulness can also improve sleep, which helps us not only function better, but also manage stress better.

Furthermore, when we practice mindfulness regularly, we become more resilient to stress, meaning we can cope better with it when it comes our way. Research shows that when people practice meditation in particular regularly, they are generally happier and calmer. This is also very helpful for managing stress and building resilience.

Mindfulness Practice Tips

You can do lots of things to practice mindfulness in addition to meditation:

  1. Pay attention to your breathing without changing it, without judging it.
  2. Scan your body, acknowledging areas of wellness and areas of tension without judgement.
  3. Eat mindfully: notice the textures of your food, smell it, maybe even touch it prior to slowly putting it in your mouth, holding it in your mouth prior to gently beginning to chew. Notice how it feels and tastes as it breaks down in your mouth, and notice how it feels as it goes down your throat when you swallow.
  4. Mindful walking: focus on your body as it moves, noticing the sensations of movement. Notice the environment with all of your senses.
  5. If you shower: take a moment to feel the drops of water running down your body. Notice the smells and sensations of washing your body.

What other ways do you think you might use mindfulness in your daily life?

Want to know more?

Join me in an online Mindfulness workshop on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 7.30pm UK time. It includes:

  • Why use mindfulness for stress
  • Practical activities that you can start implementing in your life immediately
  • Handouts/Worksheets
  • A recording of the webinar to keep

For more information or to book your place, email me at I’m offering this and a Relaxation workshop the following week at an introductory price: £30 each or £50 for both (that works out to about $37/$62) and is payable via bank transfer in the UK or PayPal internationally.